; Settings for cdviewer.exe, a viewer for dtSearch Publish CDs [OPTIONS] ; Home page HomePage=/index.html ; Search page SearchPage=/dtSearch.html ; Help page HelpPage = /dtSearch_help.html ; Open web links in default browser WebLinksInBrowser=1 ; Minimum version of Adobe Reader needed for the content in this collection ; ; Set to 0 (zero) if the collection will not include PDF files MinimumAdobeReaderVersion=6 ; Page to display if Adobe Reader is not installed, or if an older version is installed ; ; This page is displayed if the Adobe Reader version indicated by MinimumAdobeReaderVersion ; (above) is not present. GetAdobeReaderPage=/builtin/getadobe.html ; Minimum version of Internet Explorer needed for the content in this collection MinimumIEVersion=5 ; Page to display if Internet Explorer is not installed, or if an older version is installed GetNewIEPage=/builtin/getnewie.html ; Error page to display, for example, if a broken link is found ErrorPage=/builtin/error.html ; Set to 1 if a proxy server is preventing access ProxyBypass=0